Color contrast

Impact: High to major

Users mainly impacted: Visually impaired

RGAA criteria: Criterion 3.2 - Criterion 3.3


For a user who has difficulties perceiving contrasts, a text may be impossible to read if its colour is not sufficiently contrasted with the background colour.

These contrasts concern:

  • the text and the text present in the image,
  • the interface components or graphical elements that convey information.

There are values that provide sufficient minimum contrast for a large proportion of users with color perception difficulties.

To evaluate the contrasts of an element, you can use the following tools:

  • Color Contrast Analyzer thanks to a pipette, you can go and pick any colours displayed on the screen, from any kind of document (web, office, video, etc.) for analysis;
  • Lighthouse in Google Chrome browser allows you to quickly check your web page for text content.
  • Contrast tools is available in Mozilla Firefox developer tools in accessibility tab.

Text without bold

  • Less than 24px: the contrast ratio is at least 4.5:1.
  • Greater than or equal to 24px: the contrast ratio is at least 3:1.

Text with bold

  • Less than 18.5px: the contrast ratio is at least 4.5:1.
  • Greater than or equal to 18.5px: the contrast ratio is at least 3:1.

The interface components or graphical elements that convey information

An interface component is an element with which the user can interact such as a button, a link, an input field…

The contrast ratio is at least 3:1 of:

  • The colors of an interface component in its different states and the background color.
  • The different colors composing a graphic element and its background color.
  • The different colors composing a graphic element.

Derogated cases

  • The text is part of a logo or brand name of an organization or company.
  • The text or graphic element is purely decorative.
  • The text or graphical element is part of an interface element on which no action is possible (e.g. a button with the disabled attribute).

Testing Color Contrast & Simulating Color Blindness with the Firefox Accessibility Inspector

If you don’t see these tools, go to about:config and search the property “gfx.webrender.all”. This property must be to true.
